Wednesday, January 22, 2025


March 25, 2014 by  
Filed under CAMERAS


Camera surveillance issue

14 March 2014

Camera2Cameras recorded traffic movements, vehicle types and details
Recently cameras have been installed on the corner of Top Forestry and Old Ceylon Roads, and at the top of King Parrot Lane. There was no letter-boxing to explain the reason for the cameras, but it appears they were commissioned from survey company Skyhigh Data Australia Pty Ltd. The cameras were apparently attached to public road signs  without the knowledge of Noosa Council.

A spokesperson for the applicant’s legal firm, Gantt Legal, has contacted us to say that the cameras, which will be in place for about a week, are gathering evidence of road movements that could form the basis of an appeal to the Planning and Environment Court. Apparently the material gathered will not be available to local residents who are being filmed as they go about their daily travel, but would be made public should there be a court case.

Since the application is floundering in Council due to lack of followup material, and since Noosa Council has not yet even had a chance to consider the details of the latest version of the broiler farm proposal, the traffic survey appears to be unnecessary and is causing stress and concern to those going about their daily travel.

The cameras were removed on 22 March.

Our concerns
• There was no prior explanation as to the extent or reason for the survey.
• With no option of avoiding the cameras, our privacy is being breached by having a video recording of car registration and car occupant details each time people come and go from the roads.
• Data collected may be subject to manipulation without  impartial and independent scrutiny of the methodology of the data collection process.
• Without any transparent analysis of the material gathered over such a short period, the survey is potentially biased.


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